Star Trek Adventures – Kage Hoshi Division, Episode 1: Collapse

Posted: December 17, 2018 in Roleplaying Games, Star Trek Adventures
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Greetings Fellow Star Trek and RPG Fans!


We just finished our tutorial adventure of Star Trek Adventures, from Modiphius. This is a role playing game where you create characters in one of the various Star Trek eras, and boldly blast across the galaxy in search of adventure!

Previous Episodes and Sessions:

The following is the report for the most recent Episode, or gaming session. Game mechanics will be in blue for anyone else that would like to run this adventure. I wrote everything in this adventure with inspiration taken primarily from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. The roleplay from my players inspired most of the conversation, but the base story and mechanics were all written by me.

Carry Over From Rescue at Koralis IV

A Nova class Starfleet science vessel, the Novelle, sends a transmission to let you know they’re on their way. You take the initiative to send all of the information about Irumodic Syndrome and the unusual devolution phenomena to the science vessel and they begin working on a cure for the devolution problem. In the few hours it takes them to reach you, their scientists were able to devise a cure for the devolution. Once the shuttle docks on the Novelle, you’re all decontaminated and taken directly to sickbay where the cure is administered to you. Since the three of you were not in the advanced stages of devolution, you’re free to return to the shuttle and gather your belongings in preparation for your arrival at DS9. You see Dr. Schipp in the shuttle, gathering some of her PADDs and she thanks you for your assistance and you part ways with her as the Novelle docks at DS9.

Star Trek: Kage Hoshi Division
Episode One: Collapse


Scene One – Quark’s (Session 1.1)

The airlock opens and you see a compliment of officers ready to greet you. Dirnick has wrapped a scarf very loosely around his head so he can hide his face if he feels the need.

“Greetings. I’m Captain Benjamin Sisko. This is our Bajoran liaison, Major Kira Nerys; our chief medical officer, Doctor Julian Bashir; our chief security officer, Constable Odo; and Lt. Commander Worf, here on special assignment. Welcome to Deep Space Nine. Please, feel free to explore the station while you’re waiting on the Mulgrew to leave the docks.” Captain Sisko greets you warmly with a handshake and a smile. The rest of the officers greet you and welcome you to DS9.

“Captain, I am not sure it is wise to have General K’orvo ‘exploring’ the station without a security detail. He is a dishonored Klingon and our ‘guests’ will take offense to his being here.” Worf steps forward and addresses Sisko and K’orvo.

“I don’t like the way you say ‘guests’, Mr. Worf. Should I be concerned?” Dirnick steps up.

“We have enough trouble right now with all the Klingons running around the station, we don’t need another issue. I can spare two security officers to tail General K’orvo and intervene if there’s any trouble.” Odo crosses his arms and eyes K’orvo.

“I don’t think our Klingon guests will cause too much trouble with our General. Not after the incident with Garak, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a detail on General K’orvo. I’m sure you won’t object too much if it would make me feel better, would you, General?” Sisko smiles and extends his hand to K’orvo.

K’orvo shakes hands with Sisko and says, “No trouble at all Captain Sisko. I’m not here to cause a ruckus, only to meet up with an old friend.”

“I want to be the first to know if there are any issues with the Klingons. That’s all I ask.” Odo says as he turns to leave.

“I am confident that Constable Odo has security under control. The other concern I have is for Dirnick. I think he will be more of an issue than General K’orvo. It is not safe for any Cardassian, even a defector.” Worf stares warily at Dirnick.

Dirnick blinks at Worf and says, “I don’t see why me being a Cardassian would matter, but I assure you, I’m only here for a short time. I don’t plan to take up residence on DS9. Though I’m certain it’s a wonderful place to live.”

“I suggest you meet with your contact from the Mulgrew and then board that ship. There’s not much room here for two Cardassians.” Garak’s voice echoes down the corridor.

“Mr. Garak, I thought you’d be happy to see a fellow Cardassian?” Doctor Bashir says.

“I’m not happy to see any Cardassians, but I can’t deny what you did for Bajor. But I agree with Garak. While you are welcome here, there are current guests that may take serious offense and try to hurt or kill you.” Kira says as she averts her gaze from Dirnick and the Bajoran earring he’s wearing.

“You may think him a twisted hero, Major, but he’s worse than garbage to me. I know all about you, Mr. Dirnick. I know who you work for too.” Garak glares at Dirnick.

“Garak is it? Is that what you’re calling yourself now? How quaint.” Dirnick stares at Garak who stares back with a burning hatred in his eyes.

“Stop it! All of you! These people are our guests and I will not tolerate hostilities toward them, from anyone. That includes the current residents of DS9, Mr. Garak. Now, everyone should resume their duties. I apologize for this, and if you need anything, you can find me or another officer in ops.” Captain Sisko apologizes and turns to walk back to ops, but pauses when he sees Garak is still standing at the t-junction at the end of the corridor. “Mr. Garak, don’t you have a business to run on the promenade?”

Garak breaks his glaring gaze from Dirnick and looks at Captain Sisko with a startled glance. “Yes, Captain, I do. I also have the right to refuse business to anyone, so I’m letting it be known now; Mr. Dirnick is not allowed in my shop.”

“Fine, Mr. Garak. Mr. Dirnick, please stay away from Mr. Garak and his shop.” Sisko asks Dirnick.

“Captain, what is it that he peddles again?” Dirnick asks.

“He’s a tailor.” Sisko watches Garak as he turns and storms away toward the promenade.

“Well, I don’t think I’ll be needing a suit in the short time I’ll be here. I’m also certain I can hem my own pants too.” Dirnick says as he bids farewell to Captain Sisko and the three arrivals all walk toward the promenade.

The motley group makes their way to the promenade where they see almost a hundred Klingons mingling with Bajorans and other aliens. When they look out the promenade windows, they see countless numbers of Klingon ships, cloaking and decloaking all around DS9.

As they approach the entrance to Quark’s bar, they notice a detail of security officers in close proximity. Dirnick pauses by the entrance and eyes a peculiar plant, but as he leans down to inspect it, the plant changes into a brownish gold gelatinous substance before taking the form of Constable Odo.

“Don’t mind me. I’m just keeping an eye on things.” Odo says as he motions to several security officers and instructs them to stand by the door.

“Fascinating. That must be how they look when they change shape. I would love to get a sample or a few scans, at the very least.” Dirnick watches as Odo walks back to the security office.

“Would you like to join me for a drink, fellow outcast?” Dirnick asks K’orvo, doing the best he can to keep his scarf around his face.

“Sure. I might as well keep an extra body around if things go south. I say we get our beverages and head for the upper balcony.” K’orvo points towards the balcony and Dirnick nods in agreement.

K’orvo enters Quark’s as Dirnick follows him and Lorne splits off to look for his contact. K’orvo and Dirnick both order a Starduster from a Ferengi behind the bar when a different Ferengi hands K’orvo a glass of bloodwine. He quickly realizes that he’s given it to the wrong Klingon and says, “I’m sorry. You Klingons all look the same. This is his glass of bloodwine.”

“You Ferengi all look dishonorable.” K’orvo says gruffly.

“Quark! Are you giving away the bloodwine that I paid for?!” A Klingon walks up and pushes K’orvo aside. “Wait a minute. Do I know you? I do know you. You’re the dishonored General K’orvo. Why are you here?!” The Klingon warrior stares at K’orvo.

“Here’s a fresh glass of bloodwine. Don’t start any fights in my bar!” Quark sets a fresh glass in front of the aggressive Klingon. He turns to K’orvo and whispers, “You owe me two slips for that glass of bloodwine.”

“I ordered a Starduster, not bloodwine.” K’orvo retorts.

“Fine. But get your drink and enjoy our seating outside the bar.” Quark looks up at the aggressive Klingon who is getting more angry.

“I don’t like your presence here, quvHa’!” The aggressive Klingon puts a hand on the handle of his d’k tahg.

Game Mechanics
~ Opposed Task: Social Conflict
~ Difficulty: 1
~ Presence + Command, Reason + Command

(K’orvo is able to talk his way out of a fist fight with the aggressive Klingon.)

“There is no honor in battling one without honor. You should probably read and study the qeS’a’ again, more closely.” K’orvo turns back toward the bar and takes a gulp of his bloodwine.

“You are right. I will not dishonor myself and my family by tainting my blade with the blood of a petaQ!” The aggressive Klingon laughs loudly and the other Klingons around him let out a boisterous laugh and they disperse.

“Well, that was exciting. I thought we might die.” Dirnick says as he waves at Quark. “My drink, please.”

“Today is a good day to die. Ferengi! We want our Stardusters!” K’orvo says and then sips the glass of bloodwine.

“I must somehow find my contact in this endless ocean of Klingons. It’ll likely take a lifetime.” Dirnick says as he takes his drink from a Ferengi behind the bar. “Lorne will have an easier time, so long as he can convince that group of Klingons to talk to him.”

K’orvo leans in close to Dirnick and says, “You wouldn’t be looking for M’Kora, would you?”

Dirnick moves back with a look of surprise. “How did you know that?”

“It wasn’t hard to figure out. We were all coming to DS9 on the same shuttle and that wasn’t coincidence. I know her, so I should be able to find her easily.” K’orvo says as he looks around the room. “And there she is.”

Dirnick looks in the direction K’orvo nods and sees a female Klingon sitting alone. She has hair that’s more neatly groomed and her battle scars are not as prominent as the other warriors in the room. After K’orvo points her out, Dirnick notices that she is definitely not part of the Klingon fleet.

“Well now, isn’t this interesting. Shall we go say hi?” Dirnick smiles at K’orvo and they begin to walk toward her.


Meanwhile, Lorne is looking around for a Klingon that could be his contact. He sees at least a dozen female Klingons and no way to know exactly which one he’s meant to meet with. He also thinks it might not be wise to mention to her name, given that he doesn’t know her status with the Empire.

He sees a table with two female Klingons and three male Klingons that look extremely drunk and more friendly than usual. Lorne orders a round of drinks for their table and walks up with the waitress.

Game Mechanics
~ Opposed Task: Subtle Questioning
~ Difficulty: 1
~ Control + Security, Daring + Command, Daring + Security

“What a fine group of warriors you all are!” Lorne says as he approaches them.

“You are a cute little Bajoran. It is a good thing we are here to defend your frail species. But I guess you cannot be that frail; you did survive the Cardassian Occupation after all.” She laughs loudly and punches a fellow Klingon next to her who also laughs loudly. This signals the rest of the table to join in with deep howling laughs.

“You are speaking to a warrior that helped to liberate his people from that very Occupation.” Lorne puffs his chest out in pride in an attempt to appeal to their warrior spirit.

“Well, not so frail after all, are you? Is there something you want from us, little Bajoran warrior? You bought us all drinks, so you must want something.” The female Klingon says.

“I don’t want anything, just to honor great warriors, such as you and your friends here. I bet a warrior as decorated as you knows a lot of other warriors. Do you know all the warriors in this room?” Lorne asks as he waves a hand around, gesturing at the other Klingons.

“Of course I know them all. I’m the first officer on a ship. I have to know everyone.” She takes a drink of bloodwine.

“I’ll bet you a glass of bloodwine that you don’t know everyone.” Lorne eyes the female Klingon.

“I’ll take that bet, little warrior!” The female Klingon starts naming off every Klingon she can see. “See, there isn’t a single Klingon here that I do not… know… Wait. That female there. I don’t know her.”

Lorne looks in the direction that the female Klingon is pointing and sees another female Klingon sitting alone in a corner with a glass a bloodwine.

“Well, I guess I owe you a glass of bloodwine.” The female Klingon says.

“Just put it on a tab for me. I’ll drink to your honor another day.” Lorne says as he starts to walk away.

“As you wish, little Bajoran warrior.” And she waves him off.

Lorne decides to observe the lone female Klingon for a moment and sits at the bar. It’s not long before he sees K’orvo, followed by Dirnick, walk by him and approach the Klingon.

M’Kora stands and smiles at K’orvo. In a low whisper she says, “General, it’s been a while. And you must be Lieutenant Commander Dirnick. Well, I have one more crewman to collect in here before we can leave.”

“You wouldn’t happen to be looking for Lieutenant Lorne, would you?” Dirnick asks.

“Why yes, I am, and here he is now.” Lorne walks up and M’Kora says, “Alright, now that we’re all here, please come with me.”

As they all leave Quark’s, a security officer approaches them and M’Kora nods at him and the security officer escorts them to an empty situation room. Everyone takes a seat and M’Kora steps up to the end of the table.

“Greetings to you all. I’m Captain M’Kora of the U.S.S. Mulgrew. You were both briefed by Starfleet about the nature of the Mulgrew, correct?” M’Kora asks Dirnick and Lorne and they both nod. “Good, then you two know your duty is to me and the Mulgrew. We will board the Mulgrew shortly, but I need to finish a few things here first. General K’orvo, I would like you to join me on the Mulgrew. I need a first officer and there are no officers currently that I trust in that position.”

“I would be honored to serve under you.” K’orvo nods.

“Starfleet has ordered us to investigate the area that Voyager vanished from in the Badlands. It’s going to be dangerous with the remaining Maquis hiding around there and now the Cardassian threat too. But we need to try to find out what happened to Voyager. Starfleet has intel that Voyager is still out there, but we’re not sure where. Any questions?” M’Kora looks at all three of her new crew and they shake their heads.

“Now that everything’s settled, I’ll see you all aboard the Mulgrew at 0600 for duty. Dismissed.” M’Kora says as her new crew members stand and leave the room. She follows close behind them, a wide smile on her face.

Scene 2 – Badlands (Session 1.2)

The Mulgrew is approaching the edge of the Badlands. On the viewscreen, there are sporadically erupting plumes of plasma as far as anyone can see. Dirnick is working on an assignment in the genetics laboratory, so Doctor Zylas has taken up duties at the science station.

“Doctor Zylas, can you begin scans on the area, please?” M’Kora asks as she takes her seat in the captain’s chair.

“If I must.” Zylas sighs and lackadaisically operates the sensors at the science station.

“Lieutenant Zynes, plot a course and navigate us through the funnels following Doctor Zylas’s scans.”

“Aye, Captain.” Zynes looks at Zylas and sees his head resting in his hand, elbow on the console. Zynes sighs and turns back to his console.

Game Mechanics
~ Extended Task: Sensor Sweeps & Navigation
~ A Sensor Sweep must be successful before a Navigation Task is attempted.
~ Players must complete 5 pairs of Sensor Sweeps + Navigation Tasks.
~ Work Track: 10 (Each success, not pairs, grant Work)
~ Magnitude: 2
~ Base Difficulty:

~ Reason + Science & Reason + Conn
~ Ship Assist: Sensors + Science & Computers + Conn

The crew successfully navigates to the coordinates of Voyager’s disappearance will no trouble. Plasma funnels are erupting unpredictably all around the Mulgrew and it takes a diligent and watchful eye to prevent the ship from being caught by one.

A perimeter alert sounds as one of the plasma funnels nearly clips the port nacelle. “Doctor Zylas, that was a little too close for my comfort. Keep your eyes open.”

“Okay, Captain.” Zylas lets out a long sigh as he stares at the console.

“What are we looking for, Captain?” Asks Zynes, looking at the viewscreen.

“We’re looking for anything that could have pulled Voyager into a different area of space. Are we at the exact coordinates, Lieutenant Zynes?” M’Kora asks as she watches the viewscreen for visible anomalies.

“Aye, Captain.” Zynes replies.

“Keep your eyes on your sensors, dodge the plasma funnels, and watch the viewscreen for anomalies that the sensors can’t catch.” M’Kora stands up from the captains chair and moves toward the viewscreen. “They’re out there, somewhere.”

After hours of unyielding scans, the Mulgrew is about to return to a safer location for a few hours when a ship emerges from behind a large plasma funnel. It’s a Cardassian Galor Class warship and its weapons are charging.

“Red alert, shields up, and open a channel to the Cardassian ship.” Captain M’Kora stands up and faces the viewscreen. “Unidentified Cardassian warship, this is Captain Warren of the U.S.S. Mulgrew. We are a science vessel, doing research on the plasma funnels. We are not here to fight with you.”

The viewscreen switches from the view of the Badlands to show a male Cardassian with a sly grin. “This is Gul To Vall, captain of the Zire. Captain Warren, we’ve been watching you for hours. You’ve scanned more than just the plasma funnels. I think you’re up to something and I want to know what it is. I’m prepared to destroy you if you don’t allow full access to your ship’s computers. We’ve scanned you several times and all we see is a ship full of humans and no weapons to speak of.”

“We don’t want any trouble, but we also can’t grant you access to the ship’s computers. Surely, you know that’s a futile request?” M’Kora returns to the captain’s chair.

“Fine. We’ll take it from you.” And with that comment, Gul To Vall cuts communications and powers up his ship’s weapons.

Game Mechanics:
Combat with a Cardassian Galor Class (pg 263 Core Book).

“Lieutenant Zynes, employ evasive maneuver alpha! Shields up!” K’orvo says.

“Shields are at maximum. Employing evasive maneuver alpha.” Lieutenant Zynes’s hands move with lightning speed.

“Lieutenant Lorne, ready phasers and target their weapons. We don’t want to destroy them, just cripple them.” K’orvo says as a phaser blast erupts from Gul To Vall’s ship. It strikes the shields, but doesn’t have much effect.

“Lieutenant Lorne, damage?” K’orvo asks.

“No sir. It was just a glancing blow off the shields.” Lorne says, never taking his eyes from his console.

“Fire phasers!” K’orvo jumps up from his seat beside the captain, with a sense of purpose and excitement in his eye.

“Direct hit, sir. Weapons are damaged and they’ve suffered some structural damage as well.” Lorne reports.

“I don’t want the ship destroyed. Be careful with the intensity on the phaser blasts. Hail the Cardassian ship and let’s see if they’re in a more reasonable mood now.” M’Kora stands up and says sternly.

“Sorry about that. We’ll be more careful in the future, and they’re hailing us, sir.” Lorne says as his console makes several beeps and blips.

“On screen.” M’Kora stands up and straightens her shirt. The viewscreen shows Gul To Vall sitting in his chair while crewmen dash about trying to extinguish fires and dispatch other crew to critical areas.

Gul To Vall’s face is grim and he speaks in a humbled tone. “Well, Captain Warren, it appears our scans were not accurate about your weapons. I hope that this doesn’t harm the relations between your Federation and Cardassia. We will withdraw if you’ll allow us.”

“We should blow you out of the Badlands, you…” K’orvo jumps up again and yells at the viewscreen. M’Kora puts a hand in front of him.

“It’s okay, Commander. We can stand down and allow you to limp home, Gul To Vall. I will, however, have to report this incident to Starfleet.” M’Kora says as K’orvo sits back down in his seat.

“Do what you must, Captain Warren.” Gul To Vall cuts the communications off and his ship begins to leave the Badlands at impulse speed.

Once the Cardassian ship is out of sensor range, the Mulgrew begins to navigate the Badlands once more. Doctor Zylas is not paying attention to his console like he should be and he misses the eruption of a plasma funnel, just beneath the Mulgrew.

“Zylas, what’s the meaning of this!?” M’Kora stands up yells across the bridge.

“Oh my. Why is it automatically my fault? Isn’t the Andorian supposed to be flying this heap?” Zylas immediately begins to monitor his console once again.

“My fault? I was going off the information, or lack thereof, that you gave me!” Zynes snaps back.

“Stop it, both of you! Get back on those sensors and get us out of here!” M’Kora orders but it’s too late. The Mulgrew is tossed hard to port and another plasma funnel strikes the port nacelle and engineering. The crew on the bridge is jostled and thrown away from their consoles as sparks erupt from the panels and smoke fills the bridge. The chief engineer, Lieutenant Kobi, is rushing about, barking orders in engineering when it’s struck by the plasma funnel. Lieutenant Kobi is knocked unconscious when he hits his head on the corner of a console. He’s dragged out of engineering by his subordinates amidst the smoke and fire.

“Engineering, report!” M’Kora calls over the ship’s comms and when there isn’t an answer, she starts to get worried. “Doctor Zylas, get down to sick bay and prepare for injuries and possible casualties. Ensign Cross, get to engineering and figure out what’s going on.”

Ensign Cross looks blankly at Captain M’Kora and asks, “Boss? Me?”

“Yes, you! Get going, now!” M’Kora steps toward him and he jumps up from the console and rushes off of the bridge to engineering. Zylas drags himself out of the science station seat and moves sluggishly toward the turbolift. M’Kora puts a hand to her head and pulls it back, revealing blood from a cut. “I swear to Kahless, if that Ferengi kills us, I’m going to kill him a hundred times over in the afterlife.”

Scene 3 – “When it rains, it pours.” (Session 1.3)

A gaseous substance erupts from the pipes and conduits inside the Jeffries Tubes along the corridors leading to the engine room. Main access to the engine room is cut off and the only way in is through the Jeffries Tubes. The warp drive is already offline and if the repairs are not finished quickly, the damage could become much worse and cause the Mulgrew to lose impulse too.

“M’Kora to engineering, status report!” M’Kora pauses and when she doesn’t get a response, she calls again. “Ensign Cross, status report of engineering!”

“Boss, engineering is in shambles. The warp core has been knocked out of alignment and the warp drive is completely offline. We have impulse for now, but we won’t if someone can’t get into the engine room to make repairs. We’ve got injured crew and panels are offline all over the place.” Ensign Cross calls back over the comm.

“You’re in charge of the repairs! Get down to the engine room and fix it!” M’Kora orders.

“Sure thing, Boss! I’m on it!” Cross calls back over the comm.

“Captain, Starfleet Command is on a secure subspace channel, requesting to speak to you.”  Lieutenant Lorne says.

“Put it through to my ready room. I hope they make this quick. I don’t have time for their crap right now.” M’Kora jumps up from the captain’s chair and rushes into her ready room.

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Access the Jeffries Tubes
~ Difficulty: 1
~ Control + Security, Daring + Security, Fitness + Security

Once in the Jeffries Tubes, Ensign Cross shuffles along with his toolkit. Smoke blows into his face from a ruptured conduit, but he continues on. After he reaches the engine room, he sees the extent of the damage and knows the situation is much worse than first thought. If he can’t get the damage repaired as soon as possible, there will likely be a feedback loop into the warp core and a breach will be imminent.

Game Mechanics
~ Timed Challenge Task: Repair the Engines
~ Successes Needed: 4
~ Time Intervals: 10
~ Time Per Attempt: 2
~ Difficulty:

~ Control + Engineering, Daring + Engineering
~ Daring + Science set for Difficulty 3

Ensign Cross begins repairs, focusing on the critical damage first. He knows that his time is short and he works quickly and diligently. He mumbles to himself throughout the entire process, telling himself what tool to grab and what to work on next, almost like he’s giving himself instructions. But he’s still a little unfamiliar with all the intricate workings of machinery and tools in this universe. He has a slip with one of the tools and cracks a casing on a plasma injector.

“Well, that’ll need to be fixed once we’re stable again…” Ensign Cross mumbles to himself. Once the engines have been repaired, Cross breathes a sigh of relief and calls M’Kora over the comm, “Boss, we’re back in business, for now. But we need to get out the Badlands and dock for extensive repairs.”

“Good work, Ensign. Lieutenant Lorne, open a ship wide channel.” M’Kora says as she emerges from her ready room, a stern and sour look on her face. “Attention crew of the Mulgrew, this is Captain M’Kora. It appears that the most pressing repairs have been handled. But there’s an old saying from Earth, ‘When it rains, it pours.’ I have devastating news from Starfleet Command. The Klingons have declared war on Cardassia and the Federation has condemned their actions. In doing so, the Klingons have seen this as a slight against the Empire. Chancellor Gowron has recalled all Klingon citizens and expelled all non-Klingon citizens from Klingon controlled territory. But that’s not all… Chancellor Gowron and the Klingon High Council have decided to withdraw from Khitomer Accords. The Klingon Empire and the Federation will soon be at war. This means we will likely see much more dangerous missions in the future. Please make all appropriate preparations. Thank you.”

“Well, if that isn’t a pile of targ ****.” K’orvo says as he sits back in seat and stares at the view of the Badlands on the viewscreen.

Scene 4 – Caretaker (Session 1.4)

Once all the engine repairs have been completed enough that the Mulgrew can safely navigate out of the Badlands, M’Kora orders a retreat to DS9. But the mood aboard the ship is melancholy and everyone is unable to hide their uneasiness about the news of the Khitomer Accords. The science station suffered heavy damage and repairs are underway, but that means Zynes will have to fly the ship out of the Badlands with no assistance from the science station sensors.

“Lieutenant Zynes, take us out of this forsaken area of space, quickly. I want to get full repairs and a refit at DS9 before this war becomes official.” M’Kora puts a hand to her forehead in exasperation. “Ensign Cross, get to the bridge to start repairs on the science station as quickly as you can.”

“Sure thing, Boss. Headed that way now!” Cross calls back over the comm.

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Repair the Science Station
~ Difficulty:

~ Control + Engineering

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Navigate to the edge of the Badlands
~ Difficulty:

~ Reason + Conn, Daring + Conn
~ Ship Assist: Computers + Conn

Cross arrives on the bridge and begins working on the science station as Zynes does his best to visually navigate the Badlands, with minimal support from his station’s sensors.

As the ship nears the edge of the Badlands, there is a blinding white light that streaks across the viewscreen. As the crew on the bridge watches, the light darts around without regard for the plasma funnels.

The light streaks like lightning towards the Mulgrew and appears to collide with the bridge. There is no damage where there should be a gaping hole, but there is now a glowing white orb, hovering in the air about eye level with Captain M’Kora.

“Dirnick, Zylas, get over here and figure out what this is. Security to the bridge! We have an entity on board.” M’Kora watches as her crew jump into action.

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Analyze the Threat
~ Difficulty:

~ Reason + Science
~ Information Gained on Success – It’s a being made of energy. It’s definitely a lifeform.
~ Momentum Spends – It appears to be a type of sporocystian lifeform. It’s non-corporeal, but has a crystalline base.

“Captain, it appears to be a sentient, non-corporeal, sporocystian lifeform with a crystalline base.” Dirnick reports as he scans the orb.

“Does it understand us?” M’Kora asks Dirnick and Zylas. Before they can answer, the being darts over to a console and appears to inspect it and begins looking through the ship’s records. “Lieutenant Lorne, keep an eye on that thing. See if you can encourage it away from the computers.”

Cross is huddling beneath the science station console with his hands over his head in an attempt to hide from the entity. He’s mumbling something, but nobody can hear what he’s saying.

“Captain, maybe it needs to use someone as a conduit.” Dirnick suggests as he watches the entity.

Lorne, with his phaser at his side, looks at Dirnick and says, “Are you out of your mind, you crazy Cardassian?!”

“It was only a suggestion and I wasn’t implying that you would be a suitable conduit.” Dirnick smirks at Lorne and Lorne rolls his eyes.

As Lorne approaches the entity, it darts away from the computer console and into the center of the room. It slowly takes on a humanoid form and then turns to the crew.

“I am a Nacene; a species that is developed well beyond your comprehension. A very old and dear friend was taking care of a species far from here; a caretaker, if you will. That species is in trouble once again. You will be sufficient enough to preserve his legacy.” The Nacene changes back into the glowing orb of light and exits the way it entered the ship.

“What in the hell is that about?! Someone track that thing!” M’Kora orders, but there is a blinding light that engulfs the Mulgrew and knocks the crew unconscious.

Scene 5 – Delta Quadrant (Session 1.5)

When the crew starts to come to, they return to their stations and begin analyzing records and sensors.

“Report!” M’Kora orders as she steadies herself in the captain’s chair.

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Lorne’s Security Report
~ Difficulty:

~ Reason + Security, Insight + Security
~ Ship Assist: Communications + Security

Lorne is the first to speak up, “Captain, it appears we were only unconscious for about ten minutes and there are no reports of injuries, casualties, damage or anything else. Everyone just seems to be out of sorts.”

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Dirnick’s Sensor Sweep Report
~ Difficulty:

~ Reason + Science
~ Ship Assist: Sensors + Science
~ Information Gained on Success: None of the star markers that should be in the Alpha Quadrant are there. (Encourage Momentum Spend)
~ Momentum Spend: You find a chart with partial information on what the star markers look like for the Delta Quadrant and they match. You are now 70,000 light years from home. That’s roughly 70 years from home.

Then Dirnick chimes in, “Captain, there’s a huge problem. I can’t find the stars of our system. We’re not in the Alpha Quadrant. It appears we’re in the Delta Quadrant, 70,000 light years from Starfleet. It’ll take us approximately 70 years to get back, if we travel at maximum warp the entire time.”

Suddenly, a proximity alert sounds for an approaching ship. M’Kora springs into action. “Red alert, all hands to battle stations. Get those shields up and at full power. Don’t arm the torpedoes or charge the phasers just yet. I don’t want to appear aggressive and cause a fire fight if it can be avoided. We have no clue what we’re going to encounter so I want to be ready. Open a channel to the ship. Unidentified ship, this is Captain Warren of the U.S.S. Mulgrew. We’re a diplomatic ship of exploration and would like to make first contact with you.”

The viewscreen changes to show a very angry Kazon. “I’m First Maje Culluh of this Kazon vessel and I know all about your Federation’s ‘diplomatic’ and ‘exploration’ missions. Prepare to be boarded and to turn over your ship!”

The viewscreen cuts back to the Kazon vessel as it charges weapons and prepares to fire.

Game Mechanics:
Combat with Kazon vessel (using the D7 on pg 259 Core Book, without Cloaking).

“Evasive maneuvers, pattern omega!” K’orvo calls to Zynes. Zynes’s fingers dance across his panel as he readies himself and the ship for evasive maneuvers. Dirnick mans the science station and begins scanning for any weakness that they can use to their advantage. Phaser fire from the Kazon ship is lighting up all around the hull of the Mulgrew.

“None of their attacks are landing. They’re not even hitting our shields.” Lorne reports.

“Well, try to disable their ship. Don’t do anything lethal.” K’orvo watches his panel closely, taking in all the incoming reports from around the ship. “I may not be Starfleet, but it is dishonorable to destroy an enemy that is much weaker than you are.”

“Aye, Commander. Should I fire on them?” Lorne asks, hands at the ready.

“Yes! Fire on them, Lieutenant!” K’orvo turns and yells at Lorne. Lorne’s fingers hit the command buttons to fire phasers at the Kazon vessel. “Target their engines, Lieutenant.”

“I already fired, sir.” Lorne turns to look at K’orvo.

“By the blood of Kahless the Unforgettable… Fire again, Lieutenant!” K’orvo yells.

“Commander, Captain, we’ve caused a major breach in their engines and taken their weapons offline. If we fire again, we could destroy them.” Dirnick reports to his commanding officers.

“Incoming hail from the Kazon ship!” Zynes calls out.

“On screen, Lieutenant.” M’Kora stands and straightens her uniform.

“Federation vessel, we are losing containment! We were not going to kill you, only take your ship! You can’t destroy us like this!” Culluh yells.

“We didn’t intend to destroy you, First Maje Culluh. We can transport as many of you to our ship as possible, and maybe give you safe passage if you behave yourselves and cooperate with us. There isn’t much time, so make your decision quickly.” M’Kora turns from the viewscreen, a look of satisfaction on her face.

“Wait! We’ll head to our transporter room. Get us out of here!” Culluh immediately cuts the transmission.

“Ensign Cross, get to the transporter room and get as many as you can. Make sure you neutralize potential weapons with the transporter. Lieutenant Lorne, get several security teams in place.” M’Kora says as she takes her seat. Lorne acknowledges the orders and makes his way to the turbolift.

“Sure thing, Boss. On my way now!” Cross jumps up and rushes for the turbolift.

“Captain, I would like to ask our guest a few questions. I’ll take Lieutenant Lorne with me once all the guests are on board.” K’orvo stands and addresses M’Kora.

“Granted. Get any information you can and keep a comm open with me. Lieutenant Zynes, back us off as soon as the transports are complete. I don’t want to be too close when that ship blows.” M’Kora says as K’orvo makes his way to the transporter room and Zynes acknowledges his orders.

In the transporter room, Ensign Cross is working quickly to beam over as many as he can in each transport. Each transport allows him to get ten crewmen from the Kazon ship. With each beam in, Lorne sends a security team to escort the group of Kazon to a cargo bay that’s been converted to a makeshift brig. Lorne instructs the teams to take Culluh and the other bridge officers to the brig, in order to keep them separated from the rest of the crew.

Game Mechanics
~ Timed Challenge Task: Transport the Kazon!
~ Successes Needed: 5
~ Time Intervals: 12
~ Time Per Attempt: 2
~ Difficulty:

~ Control + Engineering

Four of the Kazon are injured and are escorted to sick bay. Dirnick is waiting with his tricorder ready.

“Please, come in and have a seat. We’ll take some scans and then have you fixed up in no time.” Dirnick smiles and Zylas rolls his eyes at him.

“Who’s the chief medical officer here? Oh, that’s me! Stop telling my patients what to do.” Zylas says with a sarcastic tone. The EMH (Emergency Medical Hologram) is helping Zylas tend to Lieutenant Kobi when the Kazon are escorted in. The EMH rushes over to the Kazon and quickly scans them with a medical tricorder.

“Doctor, these patients have plasma burns and broken bones. They need immediate attention. Lieutenant Kobi is stable right now.” The EMH informs Zylas.

“Nobody asked you. Computer, deactivate…” Zylas starts to say but is interrupted by the EMH.

“Wait, Doctor Zylas. I can continue treat Lieutenant Kobi if you wish.” The EMH says.

“Fine, whatever. Just stay out of my way.” Zylas buzzes over to the Kazon where Dirnick already has a tricorder out and scanning one of them. “There’s a charge to use my equipment, Dirnick.”

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Tricorder Scan
~ Difficulty:

~ Reason + Medical

“Good thing I’m using the equipment issued to Starfleet crew then, and not your personal tricorder.” Dirnick smiles at Zylas, half heartedly, and starts scanning the Kazon again. “It’s okay. I think I have all the information I need anyway. It looks like these are crew from the engine room of the Kazon vessel.”

“We’re the only ones left after you destroyed our ship!” One of the Kazon spits at Dirnick’s feet.

“Well, Doctor, I’ll leave them in your capable hands. I have more important matters to attend to, like scanning the debris of that inferior vessel of theirs.” Dirnick smirks at the scowling Kazon as he puts his tricorder into his science pack and leaves sick bay.

Meanwhile, Lorne and K’orvo make their way to the brig where the Kazon bridge crew is being held. When they walk through the brig door, they see Culluh pacing in his cell with a very angry and irritated look on his face.

“Take us to our people! We had an agreement!” Culluh yells at K’orvo and Lorne. He looks at K’orvo with a confused look. “Wait… what are you? There are far less humans than our scans revealed. What trickery is this?!”

“I’m a Klingon and that’s really not what you should be concerned about right now. We didn’t agree to take you to your other people. We agreed to help you off your ship and maybe give you transport to your people if you behave and cooperate. So far, your crew is behaving and now we want your cooperation. You mentioned that you were familiar with the Federation, correct? We want to know how. There shouldn’t be any Federation ships out this far.” K’orvo steps up to the force field of Culluh’s cell.

“I don’t have to tell you anything, and good luck getting information from my ship’s computers now that my ship is destroyed.” Culluh smirks and then looks beyond K’orvo and sees Lorne. “I know your kind, Bajoran.”

“Wait. You know what Bajoran are, but not Klingons? How is that possible?” Lorne asks.

“Well, the only Klingon I’ve seen wasn’t a true Klingon. She was only half so she didn’t look like this one here. But I know what a Bajoran is. They are a subservient race!” Culluh yells at Lorne.

Lorne approaches K’orvo and puts a hand on his shoulder. K’orvo turns to Lorne and Lorne whispers, “Let me ‘talk’ to him, Commander.”

“Lieutenant, we don’t want to cause any unnecessary harm to our guests. If you want to talk to him, that’s fine, but you will not go into that cell without orders to do so.” K’orvo stares at Lorne and Lorne nods.

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Subtle Interrogation (Opposed)
~ Difficulty:
1 (+1 Difficulty for Bajorans)

~ Presence + Security
~ Information Gained on Success: Voyager, under the command of Captain Janeway, was here about a year ago and caused some trouble for the Kazon.
~ Momentum Spend: There is a planet called Ocampa that’s no far from here. There are Kazon on that planet that enslave the Ocampans and raid their underground homes. That’s where Culluh wants you to take his people.

“Aye, Commander.” Lorne approaches the cell’s force field. “Why don’t you tell me how you know about the Federation? If I’m such a lowly race, it won’t hurt to tell me, now will it? And if you cooperate by giving me the information I want, I’m sure my Klingon friend will be more than happy to take you to your people. It’s such a small request. It’s not like we want information on your race or ships, just how you know about the Federation. That’s all we’re asking for and we’ll take you to your people.” Lorne whispers to Culluh.

“It was your cursed Voyager, lead by Janeway, that caused me so much trouble a year ago. I do not need or want another Federation vessel in my space! I want you to leave me and my crew with our people on Ocampa and then get out of my space!” Culluh yells.

Lorne looks at K’orvo and K’orvo relays the information to Captain M’Kora. “Captain, it looks like we’re actually where we need to be. Voyager was here a year ago.”

“Acknowledged. Good work General. Keep me updated with any further information.” M’Kora calls back over the comm.

Lorne turns back to Culluh and asks, “Is Ocampa your home? Where is it, so we can take you there?”

“You can find Ocampa here.” Culluh points to a spot on a PADD that Lorne holds up to the force field. “Once you get me there, I can make the Ocampans repair one of the old transports and I can get back into space.” Culluh mumbles to himself.

“So the Ocampans are the inhabitants of the planet?” Lorne asks.

“Yes, and your two races have a lot in common, being that you’re both slaves.” Culluh sneers. Lorne turns to K’orvo as K’orvo is relaying the new information to M’Kora.

“Lieutenant, I think we’re done here.” K’orvo says, implying that they should leave.

“Aye, Commander. I’ll return to my post on the bridge.” And with that, Lorne and K’orvo leave the brig and head for the bridge.

Back on the bridge, Dirnick enters from the turbolift and takes over his post at the science station.

 “Reports, please.” M’Kora sits down in the captain’s chair and looks over the reports as they come in.

Game Mechanics
~ Task: Dirnick’s Sensor Sweep Report
~ Difficulty:

~ Reason + Science
~ Ship Assist: Sensors + Science
~ Information Gained on Success: Class H Desert Planet about an hour away at warp 2. Dilithium and Duranium deposits on several asteroids caught in the gravitational pull of the planet.

Dirnick makes several notes from his sensors. “Captain, sensors detect a Class H, desert, planet at the same location the Kazon gave us. It’s maybe an hour away at warp two. Sensors also indicate Dilitium and Duranium deposits on several asteroids that are currently caught in the planet’s gravitational pull. If we get there in time, we can mine both for backup supplies. We might want to take any opportunity we can to stockpile.”

The doors of the turbolift open up. Lorne and K’orvo enter the bridge and return to their posts at the security station and the commander’s chair.

“Nice work, Lieutenant Commander Dirnick. Anything else to report General?” M’Kora asks K’orvo.

“Nothing further.” K’orvo says as he adjusts his seating. “If I may say so, this is a mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

“It is, General. But if anyone can get out of it, it’s the crew of the Mulgrew.” M’Kora says with a sense of pride.

“With Ace flying this ship, we’ll be back in the Alpha Quadrant in no time!” Cross blurts out from his engineering console. Zynes rolls his eyes and is about to say something, but instead sighs and focuses on piloting.

“Ensign, set course for Ocampa.” M’Kora orders as an ensign takes the navigator’s seat. “Lieutenant Zynes, take us into the black.”

Roll Credits!
  • Travis – Lieutenant Zynes/Lieutenant Commander Dirnick
  • Wednesday – Doctor Zylas/Commander K’orvo
  • North – Ensign Cross/Lieutenant Lorne
  • Kat (Dice Dice Kitty) – Captain M’Kora
Gamemaster’s Notes

I try to tell myself that mistakes are okay since this was the first adventure I’d written for our Star Trek Adventures. But I’m kind of overly critical of all my work, and this was no exception. I noticed right away that their first Extended Task was a little too easy.

Game Mechanics
~ Extended Task: Sensor Sweeps & Navigation
~ A Sensor Sweep must be successful before a Navigation Task is attempted.
~ Players must complete 5 pairs of Sensor Sweeps + Navigation Tasks.
~ Work Track: 10 (Each success, not pairs, grant Work)
~ Magnitude: 2
~ Base Difficulty:

~ Reason + Science & Reason + Conn
~ Ship Assist: Sensors + Science & Computers + Conn

I should have added Resistance or increased the Difficulty by one because they blew through this Extended Task like a hot knife through butter. Lesson learned for next time!

The next thing I noticed that I made a huge mistake on, were the ship battles. They were way too easy. The Mulgrew, granted it has a few additional bonuses that you wouldn’t normally have, chewed up the Galor and the D7 (pretending it was a Kazon vessel). They weren’t even trying and they instantly ate through the D7 shields and destroyed the engines on the first attack. The players didn’t call a system to target, so they rolled and the engines were picked randomly. That resulted in the ship’s eventual destruction.

Either we’re doing ship battles wrong or I shouldn’t have allowed the additional bonuses. The additional bonuses were granted because I knew they were going to the Delta Quadrant. They didn’t know they were headed to the Delta Quadrant until the moment it happened in game. There would be no way for them to get upgrades or refits without getting super creative with the story and the engineering – which may happen anyway. But that poor Kazon vessel didn’t have a chance and it couldn’t even hit the Mulgrew. But next time, I’ll modify the enemy ship or add more ships to the battle.

Aside from my mistakes, the players all seemed to really enjoy the game and had lots of fun. We are all in agreement that the 2D20 system is super fun and the way the game is designed encourages lots of roleplay. Modiphius has hit a jackpot with Star Trek Adventures and I can’t wait to finish writing the next Adventure for my players!

“These are the voyages of the starship Mulgrew. We go where other Federation starships cannot. We blaze a path in the stars for fellow explorers. We don’t just boldly go, we go boldly and silently into the black.”     ~ M’Kora


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