Preview! Marvel Dice Masters X-Men First Class Packs

Posted: September 11, 2017 in Dice Masters, Preview, Review
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Greetings Fellow Dice Fans!


Huge thank you to WizKids for sending us these preview packs for X-Men First Class! I’m honored that they chose us to receive these packs and if you’d like to see more previews from us, be sure you subscribe, like, and follow! Without all of you, these previews would not be possible.

I have scans of all the different cards we opened in our Preview Video, which you can find on my YouTube channel.

Rules Insert
Rules Insert

The affiliation symbols are really dark and didn’t scan well. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants affiliation logo looks like Magneto’s helmet. And it looks like all the Villains have the stylized “V”, which I’m super happy to see!

I also like the added note on ‘Prepping Dice’ – which is a great inclusion for new players that may not be up on the lingo. It’s also awesome that WizKids picked up the lingo that players use and is incorporating it into the card text. Major kudos for that!



Brotherhood of Evil Mutants



There could be other returning affiliations, but those were the only two returning ones listed on the rules insert and also the only two I saw on the cards from these packs.


You can always find updated definitions for keywords on the WizKids Keywords page. New Keywords usually are not added until the set officially releases, so be sure to keep checking their page.





None of the cards from my packs have Overcrush, and Impulse is not on the rules insert. It’s safe to assume that would could see other returning Keywords.

Card Scans

I divided the scans by rarity and you can click on the card images to get a better look. Look for my Gravity Feed Review after the set officially releases!

Final Thoughts

So far, I’m really liking what I see for constructed teams. It’s a little too soon to tell for drafting, but I’m sure the set will be fine for drafting, as most of the sets are. I’m super excited about The Hellfire Club: Members Only. I have a Grodd that needs to be retired so that Jessica Jones can hang out in the Hellfire Club! I also like all the versions of Blob. They all cost four or less and they all have cool abilities. My favorite is probably the rare Blob, but I still like the other two as well. Cyclops and Havok’s rare versions are really cool too and Mr. DDK loves them both. The uncommon Jubilee is another favorite of mine because I love cards that fuel their own abilities. When an opposing die is KO’d, she spins up a level. Then her Awaken ability triggers and each of her dice that spun up one or more levels will deal one damage to your opponent. Love it! The common Magneto is great too, to help spin down all those non-Brotherhood of Evil Mutant character dice.

As for the Awaken keyword – I like it on some of the cards. I think the idea is good, and I think certain Awaken abilities are going to outshine others. There are ways to spin character dice down and spin them back up. Small Step for Man: Basic Action will spin all dice to level one and Giganta: Standing Tall will help you spin them back up. Both of those cards are in the Superman Wonder Woman Starter. The trouble with using those is that your opponent has access to both of them too. But if the Awaken ability is good, it may be worth the risk. I would totally run those with Jubilee: A Real Firecracker.

The dice are bright and vibrant and I really like Jubilee, Blink, Scarlet Witch, Banshee, and even Juggernaut!

Dice XFC

While I’m pleased with the dice overall, I’m not pleased at all with Wolverine’s dice. The die on the left is from Uncanny X-Men and the one on the right is from X-Men First Class. Seriously… I am majorly disappointed with this. If they’re going to reprint dice with the same color schemes – make them exact so they’re interchangeable. Maybe I’m being too picky, but according to their rules, the UXM die does not match the XFC card and thus, not interchangeable. The XFC card is a much lighter blue than the dark navy blue of the UXM card. In our Superman Wonder Woman Round Table, we discussed briefly how we wanted to see interchangeable dice. I know these colors are close, but they’re not the same and they don’t match the opposite card. This isn’t a major problem except for the big events and this could also become an issue for vendors that don’t keep up with the game enough to know that those dice go with two different cards. I’ve seen a vendor mix up April and Goblin and even though those images are similar, they are definitely not the same!

WizKids… please… this is silly. At least make it so that similar color schemes, like Wolverine here, are interchangeable for your bigger events. This is going to cause unnecessary trouble for someone out there.

UXM and XFC Wolverine Dice

Wolverine Cards

If you only play at home or with a limited group of friends, the dice colors probably aren’t an issue. Many self-contained groups do not adhere to official rulings on the dice, which is fine. Check with your group and find out how they feel about interchanging dice. The dice rule really only applies to WizKids sanctioned events.

Out of the 20 packs that I opened, I feel like I got some really good cards with playable abilities. It’s nice to see that a handful of packs has so many decent cards for casual play and for competitive play. I definitely feel like I got some cards that could find a place in the competitive metas with the right pilots. Blob: Appetite for Destruction is a really good control piece that I could see being liked by lots of players. He’s really good and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him find his way into the competitive scene.

What do you think of the spoilers so far?
What cards are you looking forward to trying out?
Leave me a comment here or on Facebook at Dice Dice Kitty!

Thanks for reading and please remember to like, follow, and subscribe. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do these previews and early unboxings!

Thank you again, WizKids, for giving me the opportunity to spoil these awesome cards for the Dice Masters community!

Roll on, Dice Masters!

  1. I like the Rare Blob too. 4 cost, great control, and will be seriously tough to shift with his defense.

    I think there may be some fun to be had with Common Mimic too. The answer to any big, beastly meanies your opponent brings.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Dice Dice Kitty on Preview! Marvel Dice Masters X… […]


  3. Elvis Berrios says:

    Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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